Silver Spring Stage 2016-2017 Season
This is a (currently in progress) pro bono project for the Silver Spring Stage community theater in Silver Spring, MD ( After the huge success of last season's graphics, I'm happy to say that SSS asked me to once again design the graphics for the new season. They provided me with the titles of each show for the season and all the copy that had to be included on each poster/graphic. From there I had complete creative freedom to design pretty much whatever I liked. I researched each show and read as many of them as I could, while collecting inspiration along the way.
I decided to stick with a somewhat similar design aesthetic as the previous season, but I wanted to experiment with black and white photography as the backgrounds to create more depth. These are not the final versions of the posters, but I will continue to update them as they become finalized. Each of these posters will also have various social media, online promotion, digital newsletter, and other versions that will be created. I'm happy to provide those upon request.